Thursday, September 20, 2018

Living in a Storm Cloud

Our new farm with the storm clouds rolling in-proving the beauty that can be found in the storm.

Taking care of a baby often feels like being trapped inside a storm cloud. I can see that there are other things going on in the world, fun things I might like to do or just necessary things that I need to get done, but I’m often stuck in baby-land: a sweet, joyful place most of the time, and a monotonous, lonely place some of the time. My mind is almost completely occupied with what time he woke up from his nap, when he was nursed, what time he needs to go back down for a nap, when I last changed his diaper, is he happy or cranky?, is he going to pull a stool over onto his face? ...again? It’s not just the sleep deprivation, but also the hijacking of my brain and physicality of it all that is exhausting. 

Living in a storm cloud seems depressing. It rains a lot so you can’t venture out very far. There’s a lot of risk with thunder and lightening so it keeps you on your toes. However, clouds provide necessary protection. Clouds cool everything down and keep the sun from scorching you. When I’m out for a run, I welcome the clouds and even a little rain to keep from overheating. It’s not always practical or honestly, always enjoyable, but living inside the baby-land storm cloud feels safe. If I venture out for work or a little “me time” my anxiety level rises until I’m back with my Little Babe. I know this time is short. I want to complain about the rain, but I know I’ll miss the cool, shady protection from this cloudy space all too soon. 

A beautiful rainbow promises that the storm will not overtake us. 
Baby-land: Gideon's first trip to the beach

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ready to Run?

I signed up for a 5K for the first Saturday in April. I really want to run, but I'm not quite ready. I went for a "test run" the other day and it was good mentally, but not great physically. I was surprised that it was my legs that felt the most uncomfortable. All that extra fat is heavy! I'm excited about getting back into running, but my body feels very fragile. At the same time, I feel stronger in some ways than I've ever felt in my life. I know I still have a ton of work to do physically, but the experience of giving birth has made me mentally strong. I'm now under the belief that I can do anything! (or maybe sleep deprivation has made me delusional! Ha!)

Luke and I also went for a bike ride together while my dad was in town. We had a blast. It was fun to be away from the baby (for a short time) and do something we enjoy.

First Post Baby Bike Ride

Gideon Loves Granddaddy

In case you didn't read my last post, or just forgot, I'm doing 52 weekly challenges for new moms from Here is the list of all of the challenges. Challenge #2 is a reconnaissance mission to find places you can nurse and do diaper changes while out and about. Here are the details for this challenge.

To be fair, I don't go out shopping and running around town very often, so my mission wasn't very extensive. However, I was pretty disappointed in being able to find mom/baby friendly spots. Most often, I've nursed in the backseat of the car instead of out in public. The first place that I fed him in front of other people was at Starbucks. Coffee houses have comfy seats that make breastfeeding doable. The Starbucks we visited did not have a changing table in the bathroom, so I ended up changing his diaper in the car. It's not easy changing a diaper on the slanted seat of the car.

The best place to breastfeed and change a diaper is at church. Most churches have a private room for mothers with comfortable chairs, rockers, a changing table, and even toys, baby swings or bouncer seats. I wish churches would open their doors to moms who are out and about and need a clean, convenient place to stop in and feed their babies. Maybe I just need to ask?

Challenge #2 = Complete

Here are some pics of Gideon with his mommy on a beautiful day outside and with his daddy at Grandma Ruth's funeral in Kentucky.

Gideon enjoying the springtime weather

Looking sharp for Grandma Ruth's funeral

What are the best spots you have found for feeding the babies and diaper changes while out in the world?

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

New Beginnings

I'm writing from the trenches of newborn exhaustion. I am finally starting to come up for air from the wicked combination of sleepless nights, hormones out of whack, and intense physical recovery my body and mind have been going through these past two months. This blog has been about the ups and downs in training for a marathon. It feels like I'm starting over from the very beginning to get my body back in shape and begin running again. I thought it would be fun to share that journey along with the new beginnings that come with motherhood. I found a website for new moms that has different challenges to complete each week that get you out of the house and interacting with the world. I'm going to post my attempts to tackle each challenge along with what I'm doing to get back to running.
But first, here are some baby snuggles...  

Allow me to introduce this incredible, amazing blessing called Gideon. How we have prayed for this little guy to come into our lives. We have cried out to God with desperation and waited in wonder and often impatience for several years. He is an absolute miracle. I have spent hours just gazing upon him, studying him, snuggling him, and falling in love. Luke and I are amazed and amused by the smallest things, a facial expression, a sweet sound, the fuzzy hair on his ears! (he may be part werewolf!)  
Proud Grandparents
Our little Family

Up to this point getting out of the house seemed like a monumental task. It's still a little intimidating and I think the idea of completing these challenges will force me to go a little (or sometimes a lot) outside of my comfort zone. The challenge this week is to Pretend you're in Paris by going to a coffee shop and hanging out for a bit. On Monday I chose to head out alone (with Gideon) to Miss Lucille's. It isn't far from home, they have coffee, food, and I could push the stroller around and check out all of the booths with antiques, clothes, art, furniture, and all kinds of things. He slept most of the time we were there. The only downside was that I probably would have stayed longer to walk around but I wanted to get back home to feed him. This wasn't a difficult challenge, but I need to conquer breastfeeding in public so I can stay out as long as I would like. 

Challenge One = Success!

This week I began taking steps to get back into working out. I'm starting out with exercises that are going to sound ridiculous because they are so easy, but if you want to ease your body back into a workout routine these simple actions are a great place to start!

Exercise 1: Deep breathing- you can do deep belly breaths any time and pretty much anywhere. This guided meditation video from FemFusion Fitness was perfect for after-baby and focuses on relaxing and breathing deeply.

Exercise 2: Hip Circles- Again, FemFusion Fitness is awesome. Check them out! I don't do 50 hip circles a day as described in the video below, I do 8-10 in each direction first thing in the morning or at other times of the day when I just want to move!

Exercise 3: Walking- This is self explanatory and the weather has been perfect the past few days for this. Lately I will walk a half mile and that is all I feel like doing. I think we can give up or never start exercise if we think we have to achieve a certain number of miles or do certain types of exercise. Do what feels good and stop when you need to. Just doing something is what counts! I don't have a walking video, so I HAVE to share this ridiculous video about prancercise. I can't decide if the actual video is more hysterical, or the spoof that was made about it, so check them both out! 

Exercise 4: Gentle stretches- Yoga with Adriene

Exercise 5: Core! Disclaimer: If you are recovering from childbirth, get the all clear before doing any type of abdominal or core exercise just in case you have diastasis recti or pelvic floor prolapse. Both of these are VERY common after giving birth and certain exercises can make them worse including planks and crunches. However, there are TONS of exercises you can do that are safe. Just educate yourself so you know what you should or should not be doing.

Lots of new beginnings are happening around here and the recent weather has felt like Spring is headed our way early. It has been miserably cold outside since Gideon was born and the warm weather is like walking out of a dark tunnel into a beautiful, sunny day. It has me thinking that we shouldn't make our new year's resolutions at the beginning of the year in January. It's too cold and gloomy to get motivated. Make your resolutions right now, especially if it includes exercise, and get out there with me and get moving! 

Let me know in the comments if you're getting started with a new exercise routine. It's the perfect time to do it!